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Showing parts for men and women

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:27 pm
by stevefaber
We use a number of songs that split into parts for men and women. With another program I used to use, lyrics were stored as separate .RTF files, so I could use a different type size and colour to indicate "MEN," "WOMEN", "ALL", etc, and I could use tab characters and indenting to keep the actualy lyrics clear of those singing directions. (The Graham Kendrick song "May the fragrance of Jesus fill this place" is an example in case I'm haven't made clear what I mean.)

How do others deal with songs like this?


PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:48 pm
by chris_h62
Hi there,

This issue was raised before.

Take a look at to see how other zionworx users have dealt with this probem!

Hope that helps,

Yes, but...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:08 pm
by stevefaber
Thanks Chris.

I've decided to use the

Men: blahblah
Women: blahblah


The problem, though, is that with a decent typesize I had line wrapping, so I actually got

Men: blahbla
Women: blahbla

I got round it by working out (good old trial and error!) where the line breaks would fall for each verse and using a full stop as a placeholder (because a line of spaces were stripped out and tabs don't work), so it actually looked like

Men: blahblah
. blah

I wanted the indentation so that we could each see where we stopped singing and when to start again, and the congregation confirmed it was the right approach. It's not elegant, though - if I change type face fo size I'd have to start all over again, and it's pain to set up songs in that way.

Perhaps v3 will include a better system, even if it is using metadata in different fonts, as discussed elsewhere.

Still, if anyone else has any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:10 pm
by stevefaber
I meant to type...

"I got round it by working out (good old trial and error!) where the line breaks would fall for each verse and using a full stop as a placeholder (because a line of spaces were stripped out and tabs don't work), so it actually looked like

Men: blahblah
. blah
etc. "

so that there was several spaces after the full stop on the second line of lyrics. Hope that's clearer!


PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:12 pm
by stevefaber

the preview for the message showed a full stop with many spaces before the third "blah" - when I submitted it it stripped the spaces out.

Here beginnith the Campaign to Allow Spaces Multiplely (CASM).


PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:38 pm
by chris_h62
Hehehe, I've had this problem before on this forum. It would be very helpful if multiple spaces were allowed. I'm now joining your campaign!!!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:23 pm
by JonathanKnight
A trick I've used in 2.0 when I wanted to move text down the screen or to have a blank line on the screen was to use the code "255". Hold the "Alt" key down and type "255" on the numeric keypad. Release the "Alt" key and you should have a space which Zionworx doesn't treat as a space. By putting one of those on a line on its own, the old Zionworx 2.0 didn't treat it as the end of a verse so you could have a blank line displayed on the screen. I haven't tried using it for indenting but there's a chance it will work.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:29 am
by paulstokes
Alt+255 rocks!
Many thanks for this wonderful tip. Yay! Now I really can do a bit better formatting of male/female song parts. Bless you a millionfold!