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PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:04 pm
by nickm83
would it be possible to be able to have a sub section on the left called bible. Then if there was a reading then you could click on the book and chapter and all the verses would be able to be viewed. This would be viewed in the same way.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 12:08 am
by ds-fifty
That is a great idea!

I would use that all the time. (Esp if it was NIV)



PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:08 am
by TonyH
Just a thought - you can always use a web site like Bible Gateway - query the passage you require in any one of 16 versions then cut and paste as a 'song' and view it the same way. Doesn't encourage people to bring their bibles to service though. Another thought is a link to a computer based Bible software program such as you can set up in powerpoint which would have a wider use. :idea:

Bible Section to ZW

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:10 pm
by Malc
Bible section would be a great idea. Would be ideal to allow 'free text' so users could choose to load in (say) The King James. There are plenty of faithful souls who have created plain text versions of the Word. It would be a great shame to be limited to just the NIV.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 10:16 am
by Christian
Hi folks,

Just to say that there WILL be an integrated Bible feature in the next release of ZionWorx - I'm working on it at the moment...

Initially I'll provide 'copyright free' bibles such as the (brilliant) World English Bible, American King James Version etc., and hopefully later you'll be able to purchase copyrighted ones e.g. NIV, GNB from the publishers. I'm also aiming to provide full Unicode support for our valued Chinese/Japanese speaking friends :)

So hang in there!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:47 pm
by Malc
I'll stop my cut-and-paste of the entire KJV I think. (Well, I only got to about chapter 3 of Genesis any way...)

Yes please Christian. AV and NKJ would be ideal. :)

Bible Again

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:41 pm
by BrianSc
:lol:I know this is an old issue (Aug already) but just to put my few cents worth in. we do currently run the complete NIV in a home developed system and as one user said we display verses as they are being read during readings as well as during our ministers sermon as references. we have been doing this for about 18 months already and although there were a few grumbles in the beginning (Stalwarts) the facility is well accepted and the congregation now grumble when it is not displayed. Our system however is not really user friendly and the flow from bible to songs to powerpoint does have its problems, to have such a feature built in to Zionworx as you have confirmed will be truly fantastic. People still bring there own Bibles to church, people still read there own Bibles at home (in there own prefered version) so this feature will be an amazing bonus.



Awesome Awesome

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 10:30 pm
by zer0burn316
:shock: awesome Addition to the program, right now i use PC StudyBible to copy and to past in my song i named sermon, and it works cool but the transfer from program to program becomes a but tiresome tha ability to access it from the same program would be great. ONLY REQUEST PLEASE REMEBER THE NIV USERS LIKE MEEEEEEEEEE! The other programs tend to leave that one out for some weird reason. :shock:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 5:42 am
by mango
The other programs tend to leave that one out for some weird reason.

For copyright reasons, Zondervan owns NIV and it generally costs more than other translations, whereas JK and WEB are in public domain. I'm not sure on this, Christian might have to liase with Zondervan to strike a deal to distribute NIV for a fee (I doubt we can get it for free), and if I'm not wrong, Zondervan might only do a bulk distribution deal, i.e. Christian must pay for at least a few thousands of copies upfront. Anyway, don't quote me on this.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 5:57 am
by zer0burn316
:shock: Hey thanx for the info, i did not know that they are more expensive like that maybe in the near future that will not be a problem, but thanx Blessings and Peace from the Lord


PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 12:45 pm
by Paul Childs
It's great that the next version will have this included.

Will it be possible, for people who already own digital bibles, to import from their existing software?

I use Navpress WordSearch and also the Libronix System.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:58 pm
by Peter_in_Christ
Dear Christian,

You may like to try and get in touch with Rick Meyers who develops e-sword a free bible study tool and ask how he got persmission to use many translations in his tool like the ESV and etc. Currently he does not have permission to use the NIV, so you may encounter similar problems there...


P.S. I find that getting people to read a passage from the bible actually helps people to get into the habit of bringing their bibles with them wherever they go, the Word is our "double edged sword", without it we're quite vulnerable... just a thought.

If you want the KJV in text you can download them here: from my website, password "christ" to extract.

How about a spanish bible?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:01 pm
by eumana
We have a bilingual congregation - both english and spanish speaking members... might this be something that's in the works as well? THanks.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:35 am
by Peter_in_Christ
Have a look at this post:

This may help you generate a temporary solution.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:54 pm
by spirelli
So is there bible display possible with version 2? If so, how do I display the NIV Bible??
