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Commas in the search

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 7:04 am
by argamond

I have a very minor request

The search does not allow for commas, whilst the titles (when you edit the song) does. This produces a different result if you add commas in your title.

for example

The following song, with the title...

Jesus, lover of my soul

will not enable you to type the comma in to search (ie. 'Jesus,' does not work)
But if you try and omit the comma (ie. Jesus lover) will produce no results (it skips to 'K')

Is there any way to strip punctuation in the titles to make searching easier?

many thanks and hope its not too much of a bother

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:12 pm
by chris_h62
Just tried this on the Beta 4 release - it is no longer possible to add commas into the title field of songs and as far as I can see when the database is converted ready for use with v2.5 puntuation such as commas are automatically stripped out. Therefore, it seems as though this request will be met in the next public release.