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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:36 pm
by dgillham
Having sound and other multimedia has been mentioned elsewhere but a simple MIDI option would be much appreciated by me

Many smaller churches (and some not so small) who have no organist (and whose tradition does not use worship bands) struggle. A popular option for them is to use MIDI but currently this would require a two PC setup and several pairs of hands for leaders of such churches

PowerPoint allows a MIDI file to be embedded in a single slide and for the presentation to continue whilst the file is playing. Using timings a la PowerPoint (or better still the wireless remote control mentioned elsewhere - SmartDisk make a very reasonably priced product called Power Play) a similar facility in ZionWork would be a killer app. Everything could be handled by one person (the one leading the service probably) and there would still be at least one hand left to do other things

Realistically, not all churches have lots of people to do things

features features features

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 1:27 am
by Diceman
Midi can do music, lights, pyro-technics, fx controllers....

Even if this idea is too late for the initial release of version 3, Wouldn't it be cool if this was a pluggin :-)

Infact, Alot of what users are after are essentially media handlers to be triggered by 'slides', so a pluggin API for media handlers (like the newest version of shockwave or a DVD player) would seem quite useful.


p.s. A pluggin architecture would allow Christian to get version 3 out earlier and add the additional media functionality as it is completed.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 11:33 pm
by jefff
multimedia support would be pretty cool. embedded video, background audio files, pictures ..... although other than the audio, it would be kind of turning zionworx into a much less specialized program. maybe not a great idea. maybe plugins would be a good way to do it, in case you want the program kept simple and just for lyrics.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:54 pm
by Diceman
pluggins - yes please