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Thanks, Zionworx team!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:39 pm
by York Pilson
We finally got approval for the purchase of the Dell laptop that you recommended and bought a Latitude d800. We also got a good buy on a Dell projector at the same time. Sunday was the first opportunity I had to use both machines. I was so enthralled by the way that Zionworx handles the song displays using two monitors, that I forgot to advance the lyrics a couple of times.

The youth of the church had a lock-in Saturday night, with the requirement that they attend the early service, and some of them had not slept all night. Within minutes of the start of the sermon, they reminded me of a pile of sleeping puppies, all leaning against each other, with their eyes closed. Our bass guitarist is the youth leader and had been there all night, also. I motioned to him to look at his sleeping charges and he got a big smile on his face. I looked in his direction a few minutes later, and his eyes were closed, too.

I am looking forward to the release of the next version of Zionowrx. I especially like the idea of including Bible software, as I currently have to import the lesson and the gospel.