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Importing a playlist into the database

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:07 pm
by cammoblammo
Hi folks,

I am in the process of importing my denominations song book (959 songs) into Zionworx. After reading this comment my game plan has been to mark a text file up as an XML playlist and then build a database from it.

Just to make sure I'm not wasting my time I've trialled the process with a much smaller set of songs. Thanks to a text editor with some fantastic regexp powers I've been able to convert the songs to an XML playlist without any problem, and Zionworx is quite happy to open it up. However, the crucial step seems to be missing---I can't find any way to build a database out of it!

Now, I don't have access to a Windows machine that I can install software on and I can't find any Linux tools that will manipulate TurboDB databases.

Is there anyway I can import these songs into Zionworx short of lots and lots of cutting and pasting?

Re: Importing a playlist into the database

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:26 pm
by brainier
What version of ZW are you using? A playlist opened in ZW 2.6 should import the songs to the database (it does prompt you first though) as long as those songs do not exist already. If you build an XML file in the following format (which is the same as a saved playlist with the OverlayStyle section removed, SongNum removed, and BiDiMode section removed) it will import.

Most importantly you must have a Title and Title1 section and they must be identical. Title2 is optional (it's the alternative title value).

The below is an example. This will import and prompt, as long as you do not open it twice having imported the first time. Change the two title values if you want to import it again!

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <ZionWorx Version="2.6" FullFilename="C:\Temp\test.xml"/>
        <Title>Song One</Title>
   <Title1>Song One</Title1>
        <Lyrics>Lyrics Here</Lyrics>
        <Copyright>A Publisher</Copyright>
        <Title>Song Two</Title>
   <Title1>Song Two</Title1>
        <Lyrics>Lyrics Here</Lyrics>
        <Writer>A Christian</Writer>
        <Copyright>Public Domain</Copyright>

Re: Importing a playlist into the database

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:32 pm
by cammoblammo
Huh, that's a little odd. If I save a playlist, remove the songs from the database and import the playlist again it works exactly as you say. I must have done something wrong when building the playlist myself.

Those details you've given me should get me started---thanks for your help!

Re: Importing a playlist into the database

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:53 am
by cammoblammo
Thanks brainier---you got me on the right track. I think my initial mistake was to have a <Title> block but no <Title1>.

It works perfectly now, and my life without RSI thanks you!