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Zion Works Problems

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:24 pm
by ray goodwin
I have been using 'Zion Works' for quite sometime but have now expanded the database to about 3,500 hymn titles to serve several uses, but one or two problems have shown up.
First Problem - Song Numbering I use the sequence 001 to 1500 etc as an example but my list runs 001 - 100 then 1000 - 1009 then 101 then 1010 - 1019 etc., is there a way of making this list run from 001 to 1500 in sequence?
Second problem - Which showed up during editing the Hymn List, some of the entries have double title, I have been deleting some title that are not required but some titles will not delete it say's song can't be found.
How can I correct this please?.
Third Item - Can I create and use a full screen title for each hymn please?.
Forth Item - Hymns in the database can I convert the chorus words to Italics please?.
Hope somone can help please


Ray Goodwin

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:50 am
by brainier
Hi Ray,

Most of these requests will require rewriting the software!

1. The hymn list is shown alphabetically and not numerically and there is not a setting (that I know off) that changes this - request for the next version?

2. Each song has an alternative title, if both the title and alternative title are supplied in the Edit Hymn dialog then the song gets two entries in the hymn list. Useful for when songs are known by title as well as first line etc. (or in my case, for when lots of songs have same title - I add author to alternative title). When you are clearing the alternative title, do not edit the title at the same time. So edit the song you want to remove from the list and clear the alternative title value rather than deleting the song.

3. You could set the title as the first verse of the song. It will display in the same format as the rest of the song, but on screen. This would need to be done manually for all 3500 songs though. If you want the title to appear on the same screen as the first verse, type ALT+255 (255 from number pad and not number row on keyboard) on the line between the title and first verse to generate a space and press enter. If you just type a space and enter it will appear as a new verse on a new screen.

4. That would be nice. This and the current version in beta does not do this though.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:17 pm
by Jonathan Hills
For Q1, you need to use the sequence 0001 to 9999. The field is a character one not numeric.
So you need 0001 to 0100; 0101 to 0199 etc.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:58 pm
by brainier
Until you have 10000 songs, and then you need to renumber them all!!!

Deleting unwanted titles from database

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:12 pm
by Elfin Spectre
My query is similar to Ray Goodwin's (no.2) of 8 Nov. A user of Zionworx for the last 6 months, I recently acquired a large database from another user.

There is a number of titles, which, when selected and put in a playlist, display with the bold note icon, all the defaults but show an error message, "Title XXX could not be found" when loading is attempted. Clicking "o.k." shows the error message, "List out of bounds (0)".

I'd like to tidy the database and delete all such but when I select "delete song", I get the first error message, then, "Unable to delete record in database".

Any ideas, please how I might clear out the unwanted titles? Brainier's answer of 9 Nov partly explains but doesn't help as the "edit song" function shows a similar error message.


PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:19 pm
by Jonathan Hills
The messages ""Title XXX could not be found" when loading is attempted. Clicking "o.k." shows the error message, "List out of bounds (0)". " I have got before when trying to rename a title which is already in the play list. If you click on the play list once the title has changed, you get that message.

As to the second one, I have not come across it. However, if you have used databases at all (or know someone who does), this thread gives a link to some software you can use:
Make sure you back up first. You could use this to delete the ones you don't like. Take care, as you won't be able to undo anything you delete, so back up first.
By the way don't forget to back up first.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:21 pm
by Jonathan Hills
brainier wrote:Until you have 10000 songs, and then you need to renumber them all!!!

Still not sure why numbering is useful unless there is a hymn book to go with it in which case you don't need the software!


PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:19 pm
by petercounter
I use the second Title for songbook numbers. When the worship leader or the band decide to play something that was not pre-planned, they can just say the number and I can find the right one instantly. Or when preparing you get an order of service with "Holy, Holy - SoF 773", being able to look up 773 is much quicker than guessing your way through the 15 alternatives.
